Festival Contrasti 2020


The scheduled March concerts of Festival Contrasti 2020 are CANCELED due to regulations relating to the Covid-19 emergency. News and details on future replan of the concerts will be announced in the coming weeks.




Motocontrario is proud to present the program of the 7th edition of Festival Contrasti, which this year takes place in three periods, from February to October:

1. from 29 February to 15 March 2020, three weekend of concerts will be held in Trento, at the Sala del Fondazione Caritro – via Calepina 1.
A total of 7 concerts with 6 guest ensembles will be presented: Taller Sonoro (Seville), Windkraft (South Tyrol), Mp Sax Quartet (Trentino), Consorzio Liberi Musicisti (Rome), Appassionato Ensemble (Como), LabMusCont (La Spezia) and 1 concert by the MotoContrario ensemble (with pieces selected with the Call for scores)

2. Sunday 17 May 2020 the MotoContrario ensemble will hold a monographic concert with works by César Camarero, one of the greatest contemporary Spanish composers. For the occasion, the composer wrote a piece dedicated to the ensemble, which will be presented as a world premiere.
The event, in collaboration with the Bonporti Conservatory of Trento, will be held at the Conservatory’s Aula Magna – via S.Giovanni Bosco 4

3. From 10 to 13 September MotoContrario will organize a composition masterclass held by Stefano Gervasoni, one of the greatest contemporary composers. During the four days, lessons, public lectures and instrumental workshops will take place.
In October the MotoContrario ensemble will hold two concerts dedicated to works by Stefano Gervasoni and to the pieces of the masterclass students.
The masterclass and the October concerts are in collaboration with the Bonporti Conservatory of Trento. More details will be provided in the coming weeks.

Below you can consult the program and the program of the first three weekends of the 2020 festival.




Admission to each concert is free!

If you intend to support the festival and our artistic activities, we invite you to make a contribution to the MotoContrario association from this page.

Thank you, we look forward to see you at the Festival Contrasti 2020 events!